Dear Editor,
It is with dismay that I learnt via a news item on the Evening News of another breakage of one of the Municipal Markets, Stabroek to be exact at a jewellery stall.
What bothers me the most, about these continuous breakages of the Market and the numerous other Municipal Facilities is the fact that these facilities are not only protected by the City Constabulary but also by a privately owned security company known as Kalibur.
For a number of years the City Council has been losing millions of dollars in parts from the mechanical workshop, including a piece of equipment loaned from a private company. Parts were stolen from this heavy duty equipment and the private security service was on duty.
It is time the citizens are made aware of where their hard earned monies are going.
It is a well known fact that a serving City Councillor is on the Board of Directors of this private security service. The Minister of Local Government should investigate and get to the bottom of this conflict of interest and other acts of lawlessness that are going on at the Georgetown City Council.
How much more must we bear while we have that inefficient, ineffective, worn-out group of councillors continuing to serve?
Come on Mr. President get on with the Local Government Elections. We have had enough.
Yours faithfully,
Gavin Stall