Stabroek News

Guyana needs recycling and bins

Dear Editor,

For persons who are au fait with conditioning, it would be quite clear that rewards for proper sanitary behaviour would reinforce our desire to have a clean city. One simple way to accomplish this would be by establishing recycling systems, where anyone can be rewarded and everyone can be encouraged to recycle their plastic and glass waste disposables.
I must say that I see people who are willing to dump in the bin, but if there are no bins what should they do? The authorities should target every minibus park, market and most importantly, busy streets and intersections by providing bins. Regent Street alone needs about 20 of them.

Instead of telling people ‘Don’t dump garbage here,’ install garbage collection facilities and emphasize ‘Dump garbage here,’ and empty the bins once or twice a day.

Yours faithfully,
Ranfred Williams

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