Dear Editor,
I am currently in London because of the death of my elder brother and I appreciate my staff bringing to my attention Minister of Education, Mr Shaik Baksh’s letter in Stabroek News of May 12, regarding Mrs Genevieve Whyte-Nedd
While I have no intention of dignifying what Mr Shaik Baksh stated by replying to him since it is evident in my letter dated October 16, 2008, addressed to him, that the conversation took place, the nature of which he is personally aware and which letter his office acknowledged and has not disputed what was communicated. For the benefit of the public I wish to state that I stand unapologetically by what I have stated in the union’s press conference of Friday May 7, 2010.
A display of banality by anyone would not distract the Guyana Public Service Union from its mission with respect to Mrs Whyte-Nedd’s appointment as Chief Education Officer. What I would also like to bring to the public’s attention is Mr Baksh’s focus on dealing with any and everything except what is pertinent to the appointment of this professional skilled, efficient and decent officer. He should state what he has done to bring about her confirmation which is fully merited, and stop vacillating and address what is germane to this issue.
It is in our opinion reckless, irresponsible, shameful and an embarrassment to have the chief professional person in such an important sector in Guyana that is so vital to national development, for five years in a state of limbo. The records would reveal that with respect to this very position, when it was politically and racially correct, persons were superseded and the vacancy filled with dispatch.
As President of the GPSU, I firmly state that I am convinced and strongly believe that Mr Shaik Baksh has contributed to Mrs Genevieve Whyte-Nedd not being appointed and it is premised, in my opinion, on racial and political considerations.
Yours faithfully,
Patrick M Yarde
Guyana Public Service Union