Dear Editor,
I write to protest the massive distortion by Stabroek News regarding the reception for President Jagdeo held on the grounds on the Convention Centre at Liliendaal on Friday afternoon. (‘Jagdeo plugs “green economy’ to transform economy’ SN, May 15).
Stabroek News reported that the president addressed “a few hundred” people at the event. I cannot state it any other way – that is a bold-faced lie. The reporter either cannot count or is truly incompetent in covering large events. If I am wrong on that score then the only other explanation is that Stabroek News is wilfully engaging in malicious misrepresentation aimed at damaging the reputation of the President and his internationally acclaimed achievements. Which is it?
I can tell you with authority that 2800 chairs were on the grounds and all of them were taken. Other chairs were brought in and those too were taken. I know this first hand. In addition, at least another 500 persons were standing. The minimum number of persons on the grounds for the event was over 3000.
Stabroek News likes to portray itself as an independent paper but now, at least 3000 persons have caught it distorting the truth. A number of persons called me on Saturday morning and asked if I think the Stabroek News’ distortion is political. Most believed the report is indicative of a general pattern of contrived distortion by Stabroek News for political purposes. What a shame that SN would embarrass itself so publicly.
Yours faithfully,
Randy Persaud
Editor’s note
The reporter did not count the audience, neither would it have been possible for him to do so. “A few hundred” is a vague number, and conveys the sense of a large gathering.