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U.S. reports urge a price on climate emissions

WASHINGTON,  (Reuters) – The best way to curb global  warming is to put a price on climate-warming carbon dioxide  emissions, according to a trio of reports from the U.S. National Aca-demy of Sciences released yesterday. 

In blunt language at odds with the unwieldy climate change  debate in the U.S. Congress, the academy said: “A  carbon-pricing system is the most cost-effective way to reduce  emissions. Either cap-and-trade, a system of taxing emissions,  or a combination of the two could provide the needed  incentives.”  

In one report on the science of climate change, academy  experts discounted doubts about climate warming after  revelation of embarrassing e-mails by scientists provided  fodder for critics.

“Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human  activities, and poses significant risks for — and in many  cases is already affecting — a broad range of human and  natural systems,” the reports concluded. 

Senator John Kerry, co-author of new U.S. legislation to  curb planet-warming emissions, said the reports which were  requested by congressional committees, were “yet another  wake-up call on the threats of global climate change.” 

“These studies clearly demonstrate the urgency for Senate  action on the American Power Act,” Kerry said in a  statement.
The academy, which advises the government on science and  technology, drew praise from the Pew Center on Global Climate  Change, the Union of Concerned Scientists and other  environmental groups. 

A second report, which focused on limiting climate change,  said strong U.S. actions would encourage other countries to  join in a global response.  

“The U.S. should establish a greenhouse gas emissions  ‘budget’ that sets a limit on total domestic emissions over a  set period of time and provides a clear, directly measurable  goal,” the report said. 

Legislation aimed at curbing global warming was unveiled  last week in the U.S. Senate. Despite support from President  Barack Obama, its chances of becoming law this year are slim.  The bill would cut domestic greenhouse emissions by 17 percent  in the next decade.

The academy’s report did not recommend a specific emissions  reduction target, but suggested a range of emissions that are  roughly in line with the legislation.  

Even getting to the high end of that range will require a  departure from business as usual, the report said.
Carbon pricing alone will not do the job, the scientists  said.  

Other policies are needed to ensure progress on energy  efficiency, renewable energy, new-generation nuclear power,  carbon capture and storage, and fixing or replacing  emissions-intensive energy infrastructure, the report said.  

A third report said that even with these moves, steps must  be taken to ease the most damaging effects of climate change,  including rising sea levels, disappearing sea ice and more  frequent and intense extreme weather events like heavy  precipitation and heat waves.

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