Dear Editor,
I refer to a post that was made on June 2 on the website under the title, ‘Christopher “Rammed” his pocket with Salim’s money!’
I find this article to be scandalous and libellous. The article refers to my father Christopher L Ram, allegedly using money provided by one Salim Azeez in some sort of illegal manner. I am not here to defend my father for he is quite capable of doing so without hiding behind the anonymity of a blog.
The article alleges that Mr Ram’s children used this money to finance a relatively comfortable lifestyle in Florida. I Christopher R Ram am writing this to defend myself and to challenge the writer to publish his name in the public domain.
I do not need to provide information on my finances or job situation to satisfy this person unless there is the courage to unmask and step forward.
I assure the public that I am fully prepared to show all evidence of my US income, finances and purchases, relative to my place as a citizen.
I challenge this blog writer to publish his name but do not expect this coward of the worst sort to present himself/herself. It is a sad day when skulking schemers attack innocent fathers through their even more innocent children.
I wait to hear from them. Whoever they may be.
Yours faithfully,
Christopher Ravendra Ram