The Preliminary Inquiry (PI) into allegations of obstruction of justice against Chandra Narine Sharma, his son-in-law Ravi Mangar and four employees was adjourned again yesterday and Magistrate Geeta Chandan-Persid Edmond warned that the three strike rule will be applied and the case will be dismissed if the prosecution is unable to start.
Sharma, Mangar and their employees were charged with offering inducements to the girls at the centre of a child molestation case against Sharma. The PI has now been fixed to begin on June 21.
Attorney Vic Puran, appearing on behalf of Doodnauth Sharma and Raywattie Ramsaywack, said that the state had provided no reason why they were unable to begin the PI on previous occasions. However, Police Prosecutor Alexis Hassanah said that she was not in a position to begin the PI because the witness in the matter was giving evidence in another court. She added that she was in possession of all the files but was requesting an adjournment because of the absence of the witness.
Meanwhile, attorney Mark Waldron said that in the case of Reid and Mangar, the court had been very accommodating of the prosecution. He noted that the case had been adjourned on two occasions due to the prosecution’s inability to begin. He said on the last date, he made an application for the case to be dismissed and the matter was adjourned to yesterday. The attorney added that Mangar was a well-known businessman and due to his business he is required to travel. However, due to the case, his travels have been curtailed.
Waldron then made an application for the case to be dismissed due to the lack of prosecution. He said that on May 13, the prosecution files could not be located and at yesterday’s proceedings the files suddenly appeared in court. He said that this action clearly showed that the state did not have intention of prosecuting the case.
Additionally, he said that the presence of the Director of Public Prosecutions Shalimar Ali-Hack at the inception of the charges was an indication that the state had intentions of prosecuting. However, two months later the case remains stagnant.
The Magistrate told him that on the next date if the prosecution was not ready, she would certainly discharge the case.
Hassanah requested a three week adjournment since the files have to be returned to the DPP to be used in the carnal knowledge matter. She was advised by the magistrate to make a photocopy of the files so that she would have them in her possession. The PI into the charges against Ali, Sharma, Reid and Mangar was put down for June 21 at 10a.m.
When the case was called earlier in the day, the prosecution had made an application for a joint charge to be instituted against Sharma and his employees. However this application was denied by the Magistrate, since she said that the prosecution did not provide sufficient reasons for the joint charge and as such their application was denied.
Gizmos and Gadgets owner Mangar, his guard, Reid, Channel 6 Administrator Tyrone Ali, Sharma’s driver, Doonauth Sharma and Raymattie Ramsaywack, were charged with attempting to obstruct the course of justice and were each placed on $100,000 bail.