The AFC should stop bickering about leadership rotation

Dear Editor,
The AFC should stop this bickering about the rotation of leader. They have an election to win. For instance, two writers encouraged Mr Joe Singh to become a presidential candidate; he’s a man of impeccable character, and a leader for all races. One of the old horses should not be nominated.

Let’s have someone out of the political arena.

The coalition won’t work with the baggage of the old horses. There should be new blood like C Riehl, B Williams and a few from the PPP. The PPP is in disarray at the moment.

Without Mr Joe Singh, I cannot see the PPP in power back again and the coalition new force will win the majority. Moving around this country, most people are dissatisfied with this government.

Imagine, Berbicians have to depend on Channels 8 and 10 for entertainment while NCN, that belongs to the people, shows the signing of contracts repeatedly over and over again. That just shows where this country is heading. So friends in the AFC, you’re the best.

Yours faithfully,
James Marakhan