No names were put up for a presidential candidate at PNCR General Council

Dear Editor,
The state propaganda machine is at it again. Set and fan the flames of division within the PNC. Every group on earth will have differences of opinion from time to time.

This is quite different from the Chronicle headline (July 13, 2010) `More fighting in PNC/R over Presidential Candidate’ and they cleverly name Deborah Backer, Basil Williams and Winston Murray.

I was present at all the General Council Meetings on Saturday, and a motion was presented giving a timetable, no names were put for a Presidential Candidate to be identified.

After some discussion, the consensus was that taking into account ongoing discussions on a coalition; it would be precipitous to rush the identification of a PNC/R Presidential Candidate for 2011.

The point was also made that no other contending party has named a presidential candidate, and what circumstances should compel the PNC/R to do so. In these matters, timing is important.

What emerges is that all those who support PNC and the opposition need to realize, in order to rid ourselves of a creeping dictatorship, we need to put all differences aside and work assiduously towards that objective come elections 2011.

I oft time quote Virgil “Whatever may be our differences, we have one common peril and therefore one safety.” I recommend we ignore the misguided, mercenaries, and overtly mischievous, who by their pronouncements could derail the process of staying focused.

Further, genuine PNC supporters and I add others, need to note how cleverly the state controlled media and members including those of the City Council stand by and encourage some folks in this foolish process of self destruction, instead of keeping their eyes on the ball.

Those who propose a swift identification also suggested prequalification criteria which could very well exclude some hitherto unknown person who could possibly emerge out of the coalition dialogue.

Neither the PNC nor indeed any of the opposition parties should lock themselves in too early.

At another forum, I reminded all and sundry that some people are prepared to be wise by making noise.

To the PNC Leaders, Executive General Council, and Groups, let us devote our energies and time to remind people of the danger we face if we don’t work to engineer change, so that we bequeath to our succeeding generation a country characterized by peace and justice.

Yours faithfully,
Hamilton Green,