Dear Editor,
The ongoing rainfall is really challenging our drainage and irrigation system at Grove/Diamond and I would like to publicly commend the Ministry of Agriculture for responding to the intense rainfall and the flash flooding experienced by residents.
Since the heavy rainfall two weeks ago the National Drainage and Irrigation Department maintained a presence within the housing scheme undertaking critical works to support the RDC and NDC which have limited capacity. We, the residents of Grove/Diamond Housing Scheme were elated at the presence of the Minister of Agriculture himself visiting with his staff to assess the situation and recommend possible solutions after interactions with residents. Many of which were implemented and ongoing.
I was, however, disappointed to know that residents from within my own community excavated a dam resulting in the overtopping of a canal into the residential area. As such, I would like to urge the relevant local government agency to investigate and take necessary action against those guilty of making the entire Grove/Diamond Scheme vulnerable to flooding.
In closing, I would like to urge my fellow dwellers in the Grove/Diamond Housing Scheme to be more responsible to safeguard our infrastructure particularly dams of canals and the indiscriminate dumping of household and other industrial garbage. We have seen the effects and it could happen again if we continue to disregard caring of our environment and the greater need to heed warnings of climate change.
Yours faithfully,
Samuel Singh