Dear Editor,
As I read the articles about the 79-year-old woman who was struck down on Main Street and subsequently died, it took me back to the death of my beloved brother who would have celebrated his 39th birth anniversary on July 1, 2010; but was called home following that tragic accident on the Linden Highway.
The Stabroek News article mentioned that, “The woman’s daughters-in-law were trying to gain access to her [Ms. Montouth’s] house …; police told them that her bag was not found after the accident.”
My question is – how could they not have found the woman’s bag? Did they not look properly or did some ‘public spirited person’ remove it for safe keeping? My guess is the latter.
As I mentioned earlier, this reminded me of what occurred at the site of my brother’s accident, my family did not recover any of his personal effects; his briefcase was missing, his money was gone, some of his jewellery was gone, to mention a few.
We were informed that before some of the people at the scene tried to help him, they helped themselves to his belongings.
How could we be so cruel and selfish and uncaring? It still breaks my heart when I read or hear stories of a similar nature.
I think we, as a people, need to start looking out for each other and being a little more humane and ultimately, many of the social ills that have crept up into our society and stained our beautiful country like child abuse, domestic violence, petty crimes will slowly diminish. Just a thought!
Yours faithfully,
Tonika Proctor