An editorial in yesterday’s edition of the Jamaica Gleaner called on Caricom Heads not to seat newly elected Suriname President, Desi Bouterse because of his bloody and criminal past.

“The decision of Suriname’s parliament notwithstanding, we do not believe he is morally fit to lead Suriname, about which we can do little. Nor do we deem him worthy to sit in the council of Caricom, about which the community can do a lot.
“Prime Minister Bruce Golding, as Caricom’s current chairman, will hopefully agree and will lead the charge to suspend Suriname from the community until another leader is in place.
Leaders must know that the passage of time doesn’t of itself free them of responsibility for acts of impunity”, the Jamaica Gleaner said.
The editorial traced Bouterse’s past noting that he had led the 1980 coup against Suriname’s early post-Independence government and was ensnared in the 1982 executions of 15 intellectuals.
The editorial also cited the 1986 incident in the village of Moriwana where the army killed villagers.
It was also pointed out by the editorial that Bouterse was found guilty of drug trafficking in absentia and sentenced to 11 years in jail.