Dear Editor,
It seems that some of our magistrates do not correctly apply the principles governing the granting of bail. Bail is to ensure that a person attends his trial and the circumstances of the person charged ought to be taken into account.
Granting bail in a substantial sum surely amounts to a denial of bail.
Mr RJ Eleazar has been writing several letters in the press on the issue of bail and the points he has been making are quite valid.
The principles governing the granting of bail by the magistrates ought to be discussed at meetings of magistrates so that magistrates can be reminded of the principles involved.
Many magistrates have been remanding persons to prison willy-nilly. Are they aware of the serious situation of overcrowding that exists in the various prisons in Guyana?
I firmly believe that the magistrates should visit one of the prisons and then they would realize the explosive situation that exists.
Yours faithfully,
Cecil C Kennard