The new Board of Directors of the Bishops’ High School hosted a staff development session for teachers aimed at defining a quality education and examining how it shapes the characteristics of the school’s ideal graduate.
According to a press release these sessions were also held in 2008 and 2009 prior to the beginning of the Christmas term. This year’s focus was quality education and the roles of teachers, parents and other stakeholders. The seminar agreed that quality education is much more than the number of subjects passed at the CSEC/CAPE exams and includes the practice of values, life skills, citizenship and participation in school clubs/societies, sport, literary and debating groups and art and drama.
In the interactive sessions participants were divided into groups to discuss the characteristics of the school’s ideal graduate. Sixth former Tiffany Jeffrey and Naresh Harnanan from the Class of 94 reflected on the impact teachers have had on their school and adult lives.
The participants then made recommendations for improvements in the contributions by various stakeholder groups. It is expected that the sessions would have heightened awareness of the meaning and importance of quality education thereby improving the quality of student that graduates from the school’s sixth form.
The new chairman of the board, Glenyss James, Programme Manager – Youth work, education and training – at the Common-wealth Youth Programme, Management and Training Consultant Joyce Sinclair and Bishops’ former Head Teacher Maureen Messiah facilitated the sessions. In her address, James congratulated the acting head teacher and the teachers on their excellent work with the CSEC students. Bishops’ was named the Best Performing School with a 93% passing grade with students earning grades I to III in five or more subjects including English and Mathematics. She also complimented the Old Students Association and the school’s PTA for their support.
The release said these sessions conducted by the Board are in addition to those normally held by the head teacher and staff during the school term.