The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) has commenced its first crop for 2011 to cash-in on early revenue, but sugar workers at the Uitvlugt Estate called a strike today demanding a customary one-week sickness benefit.
Uitvlugt is the only estate which started grinding this week, with production set to get underway at LBI and Albion by this weekend. Skeldon is set to start grinding some time next week; repairs are ongoing at the factory.
The main sugar union GAWU is yet to pronounce on the industrial action, but Stabroek News was informed that workers from both Wales and Uitvlugt downed tools demanding the payment; Wales workers have been travelling to Uitvlugt to cut canes since the start of the new crop.
Canes have been burnt to load 291 punts, but the strike is expected to impact on GuySuCo’s operations at Wales; from losses in the field to the stoppage of grinding at the factory.
Stabroek News was told that the harvesting and crop husbandry workers of Uitvlugt are on strike with numbers pointing to 348 harvesters and 290 crop husbandry workers. In addition, 205 harvesters from Wales are also on strike. Some workers remain on the job but are struggling to get the work done.