Stabroek News

‘Powerful’ T&T Anti-Corruption Commission in the works

(Trinidad Express) The Anti-Corruption Commission will have “teeth” and will go after people who are corrupt in this country, says Attorney General Anand Ramlogan.

At Wednesday’s Parliament sitting, Ramlogan piloted the motion which will make way for establishing this commission. He said amendments to the Corruption of Prevention Act will be referred to a Joint Select Committee (JSC) which, after widespread consultations, will report back to the House in three months.

Ramlogan said the bill is necessary and critical at this time. The President, he said, will be empowered, after consultations with the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader, to appoint a chief commissioner, assistant commissioner and special investigators for the commission.

The commission will be empowered to receive complaints, investigate and refer cases to the Director of Public Prosecutions.
“The powers of the commissioner are very strong, it’s given a lot of teeth,” said Ramlogan, adding that the commission will also be given adequate resources to function.

“The commissioner, we want him to be bold and fearless so they will have immunity… the commissioner and other officers of the commission shall have immunity from legal suit in respect of anything done or omitted to be done in good faith in the performance of their duties.”

He added that provisions will also be put in place to protect whistleblowers, whose identities will be kept anonymous. Ramlogan said new offences will also be introduced.

“This bill will introduce a new offence and that would be the offence of concealing a bribe… received or given by, or to a person for doing or forbearing to do anything in respect of any matter of transaction, in which the State or a body is concerned,” he said.

He said it will also be an offence for any person to give, offer or promise to any person who works in any private entity an undue advantage in order that he acts or refrains from acting in the exercise of his duty.

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