Loris Nathoo and Wendell Meusa are the only two unbeaten players after six rounds of the Trophy Stall Chess Tournament at the Keishar’s Sports Club on Sunday.
Nathoo and Meusa are joint leaders with four and a half points.
In key fourth round matches Nathoo defeated Pierre Boucher while Meusa got past David Khan.
Racking up wins in round four also were Errol Tiwari, Alexander Duncan and Shiv Nandalall. However, in round six Duncan lost to Nathoo while Boucher lost to Meusa. Khan, Tiwari and Chung also secured wins in that round.
In the remaining points standing, David Khan has three and a half while Duncan and Tiwari are locked on three points apiece. Boucher has two and a half points and Rodwell Poole, Glenford Corlette, Chino Chung and Nandalall are on two points apiece; Haatram Parbat is on one point.

Meanwhile, Rashad Hussain is unbeaten after six rounds in the junior category and sits at the top with six points. Hussain defeated Shane Yussuf and Saeed Ali in his two matches to lead his nearest rivals by one and a half points. Hussain only needs one win from his two games next Sunday to secure his first major title. Ali, Suhai Feng, Anthony Drayton and Raan Motilal have four and a half points each while Khalid Gajraj has four points.
Shane Yussuf and Davion Mars ended Sunday’s rounds with three and a half points and counterparts Aslam Hussain, Joshua Pedro, Roberto Neto, Vaughn Moses and Avinash Kishun are locked on three points apiece.
The tournament will continue on Sunday with the final two rounds. The seniors will start play from 9:00 am, while the juniors are set for an 11:00 am start.The tournament is sponsored exclusively by Trophy Stall of Bourda Market and City Mall.