(Trinidad Express) In a strange twist of events on Friday, a 32-year-old Diego Martin man, who police on Sunday described as a “known pest”, was shot and killed by a man who he (the deceased) went to kill.
Chester Gordon, of Green Hill Village, Diego Martin, and another man, police said, went to kill a relative of murder victim Arjuna La Borde at Green Hill Village when Gordon himself was killed during the incident.
La Borde, 24, of Bagatelle Road, Diego Martin, was shot dead while purchasing drinks at Mary Lou bar in Diego Martin on January 7. Police and relatives remained baffled over the incident, saying the victim was not known to be involved in criminal activities.
However, last Friday’s shoot-out involving a relative of La Borde, Gordon and another man has shone some light on a possible motive for La Borde’s slaying, police said. Police are working on the theory La Borde’s killing was a message being sent for the relative involved in Friday’s shooting after a drug deal between that relative and other men went sour.
According to police, around 5.45 p.m. on Friday, Gordon was playing cards with a group of men in the area when he received a call on his cellphone and immediately left. He later met his accomplice in some bushes where they finalised a plot to kill La Borde’s relatives, who was seen in some bushes in the area.
As Gordon and his ally closed in on their intended target, they began to fire shots at the man, causing him to draw his firearm and return fire. Gordon was hit several times and fell in some nearby bushes as his accomplice quickly made his escape.