Jaipaul Surujpaul, the security guard who was attacked by a co-worker on Saturday remained a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital yesterday after doctors re-attached his right hand which was nearly severed in the attack.
The 58-year-old man suffered a fractured skull in addition to chops to the back of his neck, four fingers in his left hand and on his head. His attacker remained in custody. Relatives said that Surujpaul is in a stable but weak condition and they have not questioned him much on the incident. “He nah really tell we nothing and we nah really ask he nothing”, a relative said.
Reports reaching Stabroek News are that Surujpaul of 43 Houston, East Bank Demerara was attacked by a co-worker with a cutlass early Saturday morning some time between 7.30 am and 8 am on the Houston High Bridge. According to reports both men had just left work.
His daughter, Anita, told Stabroek News yesterday that on Friday evening, her father and the attacker had an argument at the workplace during which the man threatened to kill Surujpaul. Surujpaul recorded the incident in the security log. The man attacked Surujpaul the following morning and was arrested by police and remained in custody up to yesterday.
Following the surgery at the hospital, Surujpaul was admitted to the hospital. His hands are swollen and he is in a lot of pain, Anita said.