Robert Persaud: I am willing to serve in whatever capacity

Robert Persaud

In response to reports that he is likely to be nominated as the presidential candidate of the PPP/C, Agriculture Minister Robert Persaud this morning issued a statement saying that he is prepared to serve in whatever capacity that the people, party or the government desire.

His statement follows:

Robert Persaud
Robert Persaud

“I have been regularly asked about my political future. I continue to be bombarded by such inquiries including from the media and, of recent, from a large number of young people. I wish to express my appreciation to all those, particularly the youth of Guyana, who have offered words of encouragement and who have gone as far as suggesting that I consider running for higher office.

“As I have indicated before, my overwhelming preoccupation has always been about doing the job to which I am assigned. In pursuing my duty to my country, I have found little time to contemplate personal ambition. My feet have always been rooted on earthly soil, most comfortable in the trenches of struggle and most productive in the fields helping others. My greatest joy has been in serving the people, and in ensuring their well- being.

“I remain steadfastly wedded to the vision of my Party and President of a just and harmonious society, where all of our citizens are free to make their contribution to nation- building, be part of the transformational agenda and to realize their fullest potential.

“I remain committed to the goal of continued peace, progress and prosperity for our nation.  I remain a loyal and faithful servant of the people, my party and willing serve in whatever capacity the people, our Party and government so desire.

“I am proud to be part of a Party and Government with many capable individuals who are qualified for the highest office of the land.

“As a team player, I have always been willing to serve in whatever capacity my talents are best suited so as to ensure success.  While I cannot predict the future, I am absolutely certain that service to my country and Party will always remain my principal motivation in life. As has been the case for close to 20 years, the PPP will continue to be my political sanctuary.

“I have been inspired by our people, particularly young people and the enthusiasm I see within them.  I urge them and all Guyanese to vigilantly safeguard the progress achieved so far; to ensure that we continue to forge ahead in unity, freedom and peace.

“We cannot turn back now. There is still much to be done, and we must not lose focus or be diverted from the goal of consolidating our gains and realizing the common aspirations of all our people.”