Dear Editor,
Someone drew to my attention the Chronicle’s bold front page headline: ‘Controversy surrounds elections of Granger, 65, as PNCR Presidential Candidate.’
I was present last Saturday throughout the PNCR Special Delegates Congress, called primarily to deal with the final stage of a process, which was highly commendable, transparent and spoke to the desire of party members, a process that others could do well to emulate. During that time, there was no controversy as reflected in this bold headline.
I noticed that both the Chronicle and NCN reporters entered the auditorium after the results were declared; obviously, that headline was as a result of a naughty figment of someone’s imagination, and those intent at every turn to demonize the People’s National Congress leadership.
Like any democratic institution, if there is a count which is close, the losers will always demand a recount, and this characterizes elections in any part of the world, and generate excitement and speculation – quite different from controversy.
Yours faithfully,
Hamilton Green, JP