Barticians comment on their community

Dear Editor,

On my usual weekly community programme, ‘Live on TTS’, Ch 5 in Bartica, where residents call in and air their views on matters concerning the town and its environs, I do not allow politics to be discussed on my programme, only community affairs.  On Sunday, March 6, I had 12 valuable calls as follows:

Caller No 1:  The Magistrate’s Court should sentence young drug addicts to do community work around Bartica.

Caller No 2:  Between GPL and the Bartica market there is a passageway for riverain residents which stinks with rotten garbage and where there are animals roaming.
Caller No 3:  At First Avenue by Kool Breeze the road is in a deplorable state with big ponds.

Caller No 4:  The Bartica hospital has no porters and there are no typhoid and dengue tests done at the hospital.

Caller No 5:  The whole of Bartica needs a clean-up for Easter.

Caller No 6:  The Potaro Road from 3 Miles into 4 Miles is in a very bad state.

Caller No 7:  The police are robbing people. (I advised the caller to write the Commissioner of Police and the Home Affairs Minister.)

Caller No 8:  In 4 Miles Housing Scheme certain house lots do not have roads for residents to access their homes.

Caller No 9:  The Bartica burial ground ‘Sarah Hill’ is a jungle; persons are now dumping garbage and dead animals there.

Caller No 10:  The Mekdeci roads to Arimu charge a $32,000 toll; the road is bad, and vehicles are getting damaged. This is not fair to miners.

Caller No 11:  Trucks and other vehicles are dumping garbage alongside the Byderabo road and not at the dumpsite.  Why?  The dumpsite is filled.  The Agatash road has been washed away at a certain part; it is now called the Cassandra Crossing, and this needs urgent attention.

Caller No 12:  Although I (Winston Miller Sr) am the most experienced person in Regatta boat-racing, I am not involved. (My reply was that the Regatta hosts would have to write me and ask for my assistance and advice, and only in this way could I be involved.)

My personal contribution was why Jamzone was clashing with Bartica Easter events. Barticians also want to know why.

Yours faithfully,
Winston Miller Sr
Peoples Voice TTS Ch 5