Dear Editor,
We have noted the interest that has been generated in the media in relation to the perceived insufficiency of details provided by the various executing agencies of the Government of Guyana for Procurement of Works, Goods and Services.
In an effort to support the government’s policy of transparency, I wish to bring to your attention the following:-
The standard format of the Invitation for Bids (IFB) approved by the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board clearly states in Section (3) (Clause 3 or Item 3) “Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from (name to be inserted) and inspect the Bidding Documents at first address given below during working hours Monday to Friday.”
The media is advised to use this requirement to gain access to information they may require on the various projects of their specific interest.
In addition, the Bidding Documents provide the Scope of Works along with:-
• Instructions to Bidders (Standard)
• Bidding Data Sheet (Project specific)
• Eligible Countries (where applicable for Donor Funded Projects)
• Forms of Bid, Qualification Information, Letter of Acceptance and Agreement
• General Conditions of Contract (Standard)
• Special Conditions of Contract (Project Specific)
• Specifications and Performance Requirement (Standard/Project Specific)
• Drawings (Project Specific)
• Bill of Quantities
• Security Forms:
• Form of Bid Security
• Performance Bank Guarantee
•Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment
Should you have any difficulty in gaining access for inspection of the Bidding Documents, kindly contact me directly at 623-4550 (cell) or 227-8429 (office).
I should be very grateful if the information contained herein could be brought to the attention of the media fraternity and the Guyanese public at large.
Yours faithfully,
Walter Willis
Technical Advisor to Minister of
Chairman, National Drainage and
Irrigation Authority