Dear Editor,
It now seems to be the pattern for the Guyana Telephone & Telegraph Co Ltd (GT&T) to give ‘Free Talk’ to its subscribers on Diwali (which it did last year) and now Phagwah, both of which are Hindu festivals in Guyana. While the move is appreciated, it must be asked why not this same offer for other religious holidays as well?
The network becomes congested and overloaded and for hours, you cannot make a cell phone call. So much for ‘Free Talk’ – when everybody is trying to talk, creating overloaded circuits.
We know GT&T means well for its subscribers. But to be told that ‘Emagine’ would be rolled out to Berbice by 2010 year end was just highly misleading to say the least. There is a cheaper alternative to GT&T’s broadband service and that is now available in Berbice through a wireless company based in Georgetown. Berbicians should do the necessary.
Yours faithfully,
Leon Suseran