Five to stand trial for Bartica massacre

The five men accused of the 2008 murder of 12 persons in the Bartica massacre were today committed to stand trial at the High Court after a prima facie case was made out against them.

Mark Royden Roberts called ‘Durant Williams,’ Dennis Williams called ‘Anaconda,’ Clebert Reece called ‘Chi-chi’, Michael Caesar and Roger Simon were informed by Magistrate Fazil Azeez who presided over the matter  that enough evidence was presented to the court and as such a case was made out against them.

The men are accused of murdering nine civilians: Edwin Gilkes, Irving Ferreira, Ronald Gomes, Baldeo Singh, Dexter Adrian, Deonarine Singh, Abdool Yassin, Ashraf Khan, and Errol Thomas and three police officers: Ron Osborne, Zaheer Zakir and Shane Fredericks.

The defendants who appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court will be sent before a judge and jury to stand trial at the High Court.