The preliminary inquiry (PI) into the attempted murder of Police Constable Rajindra Singh with which Colin Jones, Randy Mars, Jafar Simpson and Basil Morgan are accused began yesterday before acting Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry.
The virtual complainant and Police Constable Nigel Europe who are both attached to the Brickdam Police Station were the two witnesses who took the stand.
An additional 15 witnesses are to be called.
The matter will be called again on April 4.
Meanwhile, the PI into the allegation against the five in relation to the charge of setting fire to a building is set to begin on June 1.
Prosecutor Stephen Telford made an application for one joint charge to be instituted against the defendants in order that one PI will be conducted and the individual charges to be withdrawn. This request was granted.
Telford told the court that 12 witnesses will be called in this matter.
The PIs into these matters including that of the attempted murder of Police Detective Damintra Intrapaul were initially set to begin on February 21 but were postponed after Telford informed the court on February 3 that the attempted murder charges had not been recorded on one case jacket for the PIs to commence simultaneously.
Basil Morgan was separately arraigned on the said charges.
On December 2, Jones was charged with murdering two of his former gang members and another man and was jailed for eight years on a series of other charges, including cultivation of ganja and possession of an unlicensed weapon and ammunition.
Jones was jointly charged along with Mars and Simpson with discharging a loaded firearm, murder, attempted murder and setting fire to a building.
Among the other charges levelled against Jones are murder, attempted murder and escaping lawful custody.