Top guns set for IPSC shoot on Sunday

The crème de crème of handgun shooting in Guyana will square off on Sunday when the GuyanaNRA stages its first practical pistol match for 2011 at the Timehri rifle ranges.

The match will be run off under IPSC Handgun competition rules and several of the leading shooters are expected to compete in the senior category while there will also be a two-stage Novices match subject to pre-qualification at the TSU ranges prior to Sunday’s competition.

Among the shooters lined up to compete are the inform Dale Hing, Ryan McKinnon, David Dharry, Murtland Smith, Gordon Richards, Dr. Johann DaSilva, Ray Beharry, James Singh, Miguel Gurracharan.

At least two female shooters, Vidushi Persaud and Sarah Piggott will also be making their mark.
Smallbore vice captain McKinnon said the programme  will be three stages and shooters are encouraged to visit for the rules of the competition.

The match will start at 10:00 hours with registration starting at 09:00 hours.
According to Mc Kinnon only members who finances are up to date with the club will be eligible to take part.
Registration fee is $1000 per shooter.