Woman assaulted by relative in Lamaha Park property row

A 50-year-old woman was yesterday morning assaulted by a male relative after the two had an argument concerning another relative’s property.

Roxanne Meredith said that after a heated argument, the man threw three buckets of water that contained Jeyes fluid, on her. Momentarily blinded by the attack the woman did not see the weapon that was used but felt a heavy impact on her head which caused her to lose consciousness.

After regaining consciousness, the woman said she saw the man armed with a beer bottle and he immediately warned her to “keep her mouth shut.” She was then chased out of the ‘QQ’ 32 Lamaha Park Yard, where they both were visiting.

She said that the man had threatened her, saying “blood will shed in this yard today.”

Meredith was advised by another relative to make a police report following which she was told to seek medical attention and return the report.

From the Georgetown Public Hospital, the woman told this newspaper that she was experiencing chest pains and her neck was stiff.

The woman, who is a housewife, explained that she has been taking care of the elderly relative, whose property is causing the conflict between the two, since he is terminally ill. She further noted that the accused has since been asking her for an inventory of the property and has made allegations against her.

Contacted later about her medical results, the woman said she sustained a swelling to the head for which she received medication.