Stabroek News

‘I did not leave the party, the party left me’

Dear Editor,

It is becoming increasingly difficult to support this PPP government and the PPP party amidst the numerous accusations and reports of fraud and corruption. The final violation was the unorthodox selection of Donald Ramotar as the PPP presidential candidate, a man who was undoubtedly handpicked to maintain the status quo and preserve the good-ol-boys network.

I am reinforced in my belief that party affiliation is always secondary to, and in the service of accomplishing political objectives that benefit all the people all the time. When those political objectives are hijacked in favour of personal goals and accumulation of wealth, it has become apparent that change is compulsory and it now becomes a patriotic duty to encourage a new direction for Guyana.

I believe a change in governance is necessary to break the cycle of malfeasance, disintegration of our socioeconomic policies, and the mismanagement of our natural resources. When a government is in place for too long, corruption is embedded and becomes the order of business. The ones that govern have forgotten their responsibilities and should be reminded that the government has a responsibility to ensure that those they employ, and who are involved in the party, observe the highest standards and commit themselves to serving the people of Guyana.

The PPP constituents should be reminded that their government’s purpose is to protect its citizenry in their life, liberty, property, and natural resources from the predations of others, both foreign and domestic, so that civilization may flourish. The moral categories that make civilized life possible have disintegrated under the PPP. The self-proclaimed liberators have turned out to be oppressors. The ruling elite that claimed to represent the Guyanese people are being kept in power by corruption, cronyism, and nepotism. I would like to encourage all PPP supporters to reassess their loyalty. Disenchantment is inevitable if one holds principles over allegiance. The PPP is not what it once was. I call on all Guyanese to abandon pride and prejudice and strive towards coexistence and equal opportunity for all.

The PPP government has failed its constituents miserably. They must now be taken to task. This may by one of the most important elections in the history of Guyana as it will determine Guyana’s economic survival as it emerges from the global recession, and also given the fact that the PPP elite are feverishly selling off Guyana piece by piece. The final straw is the unscrupulous deal to give an Indian company control of over 1.82M acres of our pristine rainforest to destroy. Guyana desperately needs responsible management of its natural resources.

The party that is supposed to represent all the people of Guyana has left many of us behind. It has been hijacked by those whose main goal is to enrich themselves, their families, and friends. The PPP has become a party that benefits the few at the expense of many.
“I did not leave the party, the party has left me” – unknown.

Yours faithfully,
C Singh

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