The charges against Malvin Taylor, who was accused of attempting to murder his wife Sharon Taylor and her sister Michelle Richards, were yesterday merged.
When the case was called at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court yesterday, Prosecutor Stephen Telford made a request for the two separate attempted murder charges against Malvin Taylor to be withdrawn in lieu of the institution of a single charge, so that one Preliminary Inquiry could be conducted. The two matters arose out of the same circumstances.

Acting Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry, who is presiding over the matter, endorsed the prosecution’s request after which she re-read the previously separated charges as a single one to the accused.
The allegation is that on January 26, at Quamina Street, Georgetown, Malvin Taylor, of 51 ‘D’ Field Sophia, attempted to murder Sharon Taylor and Michelle Richards by discharging loaded firearms at them. The Magistrate informed Taylor that the matter was still indictable and as a result he was not required to plead to the charge.
The PI into the charges was scheduled to begin yesterday, but the start was delayed for the third time. When the matter was called on February 8, Telford reported to the court that the prosecution was ready to proceed at a time convenient to the court, after which a March 2 adjournment was granted.
On March 2, however, the prosecution reported to the court that it was not ready to proceed. No details were given on that occasion as to why the PI was postponed. At that time, Telford said that statements were ready and would have been served. Yesterday’s date was then granted for the start of the PI.
After his request for the separate charges to be withdrawn yesterday, the prosecutor was given May 11 for the start of the PI. He said that the prosecution had about 10 witnesses to call.
Taylor had been denied his pre-trial liberty by the presiding magistrate. His attorney, Nigel Hughes, however, made a successful application to the High Court, which admitted his client to bail in the sum of $600,000.
Malvin Taylor, 34, is also accused of discharging a loaded firearm at Aubrey Smith, with intent to maim, disfigure or cause grievous bodily harm to him.
On the night of January 26, Sharon and her sister Michelle were shot at close range, allegedly by Taylor’s husband as the man confronted Smith, whom he believed was having a relationship with his wife.
The man allegedly shot at Smith, who managed to escape, and then turned his attention to his wife and her sister. They were both rushed to the Georgetown Hospital bleeding profusely and in an unconscious state.
Taylor then allegedly drove away with the couple’s children but the car was recovered and the children were found at his relatives’ home in Dowding Street, Kitty.
Three bullets have since been removed from Sharon Taylor’s body, including one from her left thigh, the groin area and one which passed close to her lung. The woman’s intestines were also damaged as a result of the shooting.
Richards faces the loss of vision in her left eye, owing to the injuries she sustained during the incident.
Both women have since been discharged from the hospital.