Drug gangs clash with dogged miners in Mexico

CUETZALA DEL PROGRESO, Mexico,  (Reuters) – Mexican  drug cartels greedy for new sources of revenue are targeting  the country’s rich mines, pushing up companies’ security costs  and prompting at least one project to be halted.

Vast mineral deposits have made Mexico the world’s top  silver producer and a major source of gold and copper, and the  potential riches are too attractive to walk away from,  according to companies expected to invest more than $4 billion  in the sector this year.

But as international metals prices surge, gunmen are  attacking workers to steal valuable ores and equipment at often  remote mining sites that have fallen under the gaze of drug  gangs extending their reach into new criminal rackets.

Canadian miner Torex Gold Resources Inc halted drilling at  its exploration property in the western state of Guerrero last  month after assailants stole trucks. Mexican authorities blamed  a drug cartel for illegally extracting iron ore at another site  and exporting it to China.

Shares in the company slid afterward and although an  isolated incident, it raised alarm bells nearby, including a  site owned by Canada’s Newstrike Capital Inc, which is  exploring gold prospects in Cuetzala del Progreso in Guerrero.

Inspecting the property with a group of major shareholders,  Newstrike’s chief executive Richard Whittall said the report  was not the kind of publicity the company was hoping for.

“I had 10 e-mails asking ‘are you affected?’ It’s a body  blow but we’ll figure it out. As one investor said to me ‘the  good news is, the gold’s still there,’“ Whittall said.

The effort may pay off handsomely. Gold hit a record $1,476  an ounce this week, triple what it was five years ago. Mexico is still a big magnet for foreign investment and is  far less risky than some other mining countries such as the  Democratic Republic of Congo. A long history of mining since  the Spanish conquest, its wealth of untapped deposits and  favorable mining laws make it attractive for foreign miners.


Mining investment is expected to jump 7.3 percent this year  to $4.4 billion, according to the national mining chamber.

Drug gangs are seeking a share of the boom.

Steel producers say they lost $240 million to thefts in  2010 and have seen the pace of robberies double so far this  year, according to a Mexican industry association.

“They are robbing from companies’ (iron ore) deposits or  they are taking over the deposits completely,” said Raul  Gutierrez, head of the national steel chamber. “It makes it  impossible to work there.”

The wave of thefts has spilled out of an escalating drug  war in Mexico, which pits an increasingly stretched military  against brutal gangs warring over smuggling routes to the  United States and other lucrative illicit businesses.    Deteriorating security is a mounting concern for investors,  industry surveys show. More than 37,000 people, including many  hitmen and police, have died across Mexico since President  Felipe Calderon launched his army-led crackdown in late 2006.

The lawlessness led to a slip in Mexico’s ranking in the  Fraser Institute’s annual study of the top global mining  destinations. Some 39 percent of companies surveyed this year  counted violence as a “strong deterrent” for investment, versus  33 percent in Colombia, where a U.S.-backed offensive has in  recent years quelled a cocaine-funded guerrilla conflict.    Iron ore mines in Mexico’s western state of Michoacan have  been besieged by the powerful La Familia (The Family) drug  cartel that operates in large swathes of the state, extorting  businesses and illegally mining material for export.

A captured money launderer belonging to La Familia  confessed to exporting 1.1 million tonnes of iron ore last year  to China through three established companies in Mexico, netting  $42 million, according to the attorney general’s office.

For now, many miners are still determined to take a chance  and only seven percent of those firms surveyed by the Fraser  Institute said they would not invest because of the violence.

But companies are being forced to hire more guards or  change the way they transport goods, with some shipping  valuable metals by air instead of on dangerous highways.

“We spent 20 percent more on security last year,” said  Armando Ortega, vice president for Latin America at New Gold  Inc, which owns the Cerro San Pedro gold mine in San Luis  Potosi state. “There are miners that have suffered robberies of  gold-silver dore bars or concentrates. The high prices make  gold an attractive target for organized crime.