Guyanese woman gets three months jail in Antigua for assaulting inmate

A 20-year-old Guyanese remand prisoner was yesterday jailed for three months wounding a fellow female inmate who caught her having sex with a male prisoner.

The Antigua Observer said that the Guyanese woman, who was in custody at the time awaiting trial for another criminal matter, pleaded guilty to wounding Jamaican Joan Fischer, 45, following a confrontation in the jail on March 28.

According to the Antigua Observer, the court heard that Fischer, who is serving time for importing cannabis, caught the Guyanese woman having sex with a male inmate which led to the two having an argument.

They were separated and the younger of the two was locked away.

However, the report said that later that day, when it was bath time, the two met in the washroom and another argument ensued. This time it escalated into a fight and the 20 year old lifted Fischer and threw her on the ground.

The 45 year old suffered an injury to her head and had to be rushed to the hospital where she spent approximately one week.

The Guyanese national admitted to prison officials what she did and she was later arrested, charged and taken before Magistrate Keith Thom.