US seeks answers whether Pakistan aided bin Laden

WASHINGTON/ABBOTTABAD, Pakistan, (Reuters) – The  United States vowed yesterday to “get to the bottom” of whether  Pakistan helped Osama bin Laden elude a long manhunt before he  was killed in a U.S. raid, even as Islamabad denied it gave  shelter to the al Qaeda leader.

Washington kept Pakistani officials in the dark about the  special forces assault carried out on Monday, fearing they might  “alert the targets” and jeopardize the mission, which ended with  bin Laden’s death, CIA Director Leon Panetta told Time magazine.

The revelation that bin Laden had holed up in a fortified  compound in the military garrison town of Abbottabad, possibly  for five to six years, prompted many U.S. lawmakers to demand a  review of the billions of dollars in aid Washington gives to  nuclear-armed Pakistan.

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, issuing his first  response to questions about how bin Laden was able to live  undetected for so long near the capital Islamabad, did little to  dispel suspicions.

“Some in the U.S. press have suggested that Pakistan lacked  vitality in its pursuit of terrorism, or worse yet that we were  disingenuous and actually protected the terrorists we claimed to  be pursuing,” Zardari wrote in the Washington Post. “Such  baseless speculation … doesn’t reflect fact.”

It was the first substantive public comment by any Pakistani  leader on the airborne raid that killed the al Qaeda leader, who  had become the face of Islamist militancy since masterminding  the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.

Pakistan has come under intense international scrutiny since  bin Laden’s death, with questions on whether its security  agencies were too incompetent to catch him or knew all along  where he was hiding, and even whether they were complicit.

“It would be premature to rule out the possibility that  there were some individuals inside of Pakistan, including within  the official Pakistani establishment, who might have been aware  of this,” White House counterterrorism chief John Brennan told  National Public Radio.

“We’re not accusing anybody at this point, but we want to  make sure we get to the bottom of this,” he said.

Reflecting a U.S.-Pakistani alliance strained by years of  mistrust, Islamabad was not told about the raid until after all  U.S. aircraft were out of Pakistani airspace.

At the same time, killing bin Laden — who became the  epitome of evil for many Americans as architect of the 2001  attacks on New York and Washington — has given President Barack Obama a  popularity boost at home where his standing had been eroded by  economic woes and high gasoline prices.

About four in 10 Americans say their opinion of Obama  improved after he ordered the bin Laden raid. But the bump in  his ratings could be short-lived as voters focus again on  domestic concerns crucial to his 2012 re-election prospects.

Obama may face more pressure to speed the planned withdrawal  this July of some U.S. forces from the unpopular war in  Afghanistan.

The White House was also wrestling with releasing what it  called a “gruesome” image of bin Laden’s corpse — a move that  could quell any doubts in the Muslim world on whether he was  dead and also give closure to Americans nearly a decade after  the 2001 attacks. But critics say such photos could also offend  Muslim sensibilities and be exploited by extremists.

White House Press secretary Carney, cautioned: “There are  sensitivities here in terms of the appropriateness of releasing  photographs of Osama bin Laden.”

The Afghan Taliban challenged the truth of bin Laden’s  death, saying Washington had not provided “acceptable evidence  to back up their claim” that he had been killed.

No photos or video of bin Laden’s swift burial at sea have  been released.


While Islamabad hailed the killing of bin Laden as an  important milestone in the fight against terrorism, Pakistan’s  foreign ministry expressed “deep concerns” that the operation  was carried out without informing it in advance.

Pakistan, which for years has said it did not know bin  Laden’s whereabouts, said it had been sharing information about  the targeted compound with the CIA since 2009.

“He was not anywhere we had anticipated he would be but now  he is gone,” Zardari said, crediting a “decade of cooperation  and partnership between the United States and Pakistan.”