Govt seeks smaller, elected House of Lords

LONDON,  (Reuters) – The huge and centuries-old House  of Lords will be cut in size and replaced by a wholly or mainly  elected second chamber under plans announced by Deputy Prime  Minister Nick Clegg yesterday.

First elections to the new body could take place as early as  2015, with around 300 members serving 15-year terms, down from  around 800 members now, Clegg said.

Clegg said he hoped the proposals would enjoy broad support  and avoid the fate of previous failed attempts to reform the  unelected House.

“While we know what we want to achieve, we are open-minded  about how we get there. Clearly our fixed goal is greater  democratic legitimacy for (the House of Lords) but we will be  pragmatic in order to achieve it,” he said.

Clegg is still smarting from the national rebuff he suffered  in a national referendum this month when the public  overwhelmingly rejected his plans on voting reform.

Reform of the Lords is a long-standing goal of Clegg’s  Liberal Democrats, junior partners in the ruling coalition.

Efforts to change the Lords have proceeded at a glacial pace  since 1911 when the chamber lost its ability to veto legislation  agreed by elected MPs in the House of Commons.

The last major reform came in 1999 when most of the peers  who had inherited their places were swept away, leaving a rump  of 90 hereditary members.