Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda Dr. Baldwin Spencer yesterday announced that a major Information and Communication Technology (ICT) package will be provided to that nation’s teachers and transform all schools into internet hotspots.
The prime minister made the announcement as he delivered his message to commemorate “World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.” Spencer explained that the government of Antigua and Barbuda, in collaboration with LIME, one of the region’s leading telecommunication companies, will provide every teacher in the country with a modern, high-speed laptop.
He described this new initiative, which is a part of the connect Antigua and Barbuda plan “Technology for Education 20/20,” as his government taking “a leap forward in positioning the country to take full advantage of the explosion in wireless and computerized technology.”
“This new component of the Connect Antigua and Barbuda Initiative…will be administered by the Ministry of Information and will directly empower over 1600 primary and secondary school teachers, both in public and private schools. In addition, each teacher will receive at their homes, four months of high speed internet from LIME. The costs of this broadband connectivity as well as the cost of the indoor customer premises equipment to access the Internet, are being absorbed by the government,” Spencer said.
Under this initiative LIME will provide teachers with high speed Internet of up to 1MB at a monthly cost of EC$59 plus ABST (Antigua and Barbuda Sales Tax) for the next three years.
In addition, all secondary schools will become Wi-Fi hotspots, enabling teachers and student to access the internet and the costs associated with the service will also be met by the government, Spencer said.
“We will not be left behind. Our teachers will not be left behind. Our students will not be left behind. The ICT revolution has dramatically and positively impacted on the education landscape in Antigua and Barbuda,” Spencer stated.
He also pointed out that his government is transforming lives as they connect city and village schools and teachers to information and knowledge on the internet. “We are narrowing the gap that separates those with and without access to information and knowledge, thereby broadening opportunities for a better life,” he said.