Stabroek News

Chin’s ‘Nostalgia Nights’ for Sidewalk Café

Culture enthusiast Godfrey Chin will be hosting a series of “Nostalgias Nights” at the Sidewalk Café, where Guyanese will have an opportunity to reminisce, preserve and promote local culture and heritage.

The series will begin on Saturday at 7pm, when movie fans will have an opportunity to share various aspects of “the now Dodo Cinema Experience” in Guyana. Speaking to Stabroek News yesterday at a press conference held at the venue, Chin said “what I am trying to draw from the audience is the role that our cinemas played. It is an evening that I will explain the rise and fall of our Guyana’s cinemas. The young people need to have that cinema experience.”

Godfrey Chin

Chin’s presentation will include a photographic exhibition showcasing cinemas, classical movie scenes, and chronicling the rise and fall of Guyana’s cinemas.

Cathy Hughes, of the Sidewalk Café, told the media said that one of the major aspects of the event is to bring back the magic of the cinema experiences. “We want to create an atmosphere where people can come, chat, old talk and have fun.

It is all about creating a culture where we come from and where we are going to be going,” she explained. Hughes also said that beginning on July 1, there would be an array of Caribbean Movies that would be screened every Tuesday night at the venue.

The former DJ of the Amateur Ballroom Association in Central Florida, Chin will play the best of Hollywood hits from yesteryear in strict tempo for dancing. Also, from 10 o’ clock on the opening night, patrons will have a rare chance at cutting the rug with Chin.

‘Nostalgia Nights’ will continue on July 2nd with tributes to the Music of CARICOM, including the inspirational music of Bob Marley, Bryon Lee, Jimmy Cliff and the calypso and Steelband icons of Trinidad and Tobago, including the Mighty Sparrow.

The series will also include music of Guyana’s top musical icons, including Bill Rogers, Eddie Hooper, and the Yoruba Singers.

Chin plans to provide the diaspora with a forum to preserve the various aspects of the local culture and heritage while at the same time providing top class entertainment for mature Guyanese.

Admission to the venue will be $1,000.

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