Stabroek News

Why should residents pay for water they are hardly receiving?

Dear Editor,

Every day people living in Guyana are crying out about the economic hardship that faces them. After so many years under the PPP/C and with their boasting one would expect life to be better, but evidence of corruption and incompetence is being exposed daily, especially by the two independent newspapers.

Only recently GWI started a countrywide disconnection of customers who have not paid their water bills. I have no problem with that, but why must residents be forced to pay for water which they are hardly getting. Recently the disconnection team was at the Uivtlugt sideline dam where they started to disconnect. This caused the majority of residents there to rush and pay their bills.

Now that sideline dam has approximately sixty houses, and not one resident could say that the water pressure reaches their showers. Apart from that, the water hardly runs and when it does some houses get it in a trickle causing them to open the joints and put a bucket or bowl to catch it. Otherwise they are forced to use water pumps, thus adding to their financial burden.  In most villages you can hear people complaining of the same dilemma, but you also hear the government is spending billions of dollars on their water supply.

Gecom has already said when elections could be held, and the government is doing this to people from whom they are expecting votes.

Yours faithfully,
Sahadeo Bates

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