Stabroek News

Top teams clash in lucrative Blue Bird dominoes tourney today

The nation’s top domino clubs will all converge in Georgetown from today for the Blue Bird two day tournament which will be played at the Guyana Girls’ Guides Headquarters.

Double six time is 14:00 hours and participating teams will be required to pay an entrance fee of $10,000 for the chance to pocket the tournament’s top prize of $200,000.

Second and third place finishers will receive $100,000 and $75,000 respectively.
Prizes will also be awarded to the female that shares the first love, the female sharing the first double love and the female with the most games overall. According to Blue Bird Club President Orin Joseph, apart from having the top players together, their idea is to try to attract more female to the game of Domino.

Blue Bird Club President Orin Joseph (left) and Organising Secretary Delon Garraway posing with the trophies that will also be up for grabs along with the lucrative cash prizes.

“We know men would come out but we want to see more women getting involved in the game, so, I hope these clubs coming to participate would take advantage of the consolation prizes,” said Joseph who also sits as a Vice President of the Georgetown Domino Association.

He added that this was the first major tournament being run the Blue Bird Domino Club and as such, they would want all participants to conduct themselves with a great degree of professionalism.

Some of the teams expected to participate are ‘Mix-up,’ who were the winners of the last Digicel sponsored competition where they carted off the top prize of $400,000, Frankies, T&T Domino Club and other top playing teams from the three counties.

The tournament is being sponsored by Ansa McAl Limited, Nigel’s Super Market, T&T Domino Club, Wireless Connection, Oasis Taxi Service, Parts Plus and Jacks Music House.

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