(Jamaica Gleaner) Western Bureau: Doctors at the Kingston Public Hospital (KPH) worked hard to save 17-year-old Khajeel Mais’ life last Friday night, and when nothing seemed to be working, one of the medics held the Kingston College sixth-form student and prayed.
Mais’ life was taken from him, his parents, family members and schoolmates Friday night by the angry driver of a black/blue BMW X5 whose sport utility vehicle (SUV) had been hit by a taxi in which the 17-year old was a passenger.
The shooting occurred about 7 p.m. along Fairfax Avenue in Havendale, St Andrew, a few metres from where the young man resided. The angry X5 driver, reportedly upset that his vehicle had been struck, retaliated by pulling up alongside the taxi and firing two shots inside it, one of which went through Mais’ head. The driver then sped off.
“Please help us find this person before he fixes his car. My nephew was 17, on his way to a past students’ fête at Meadowbrook High School. Please circulate this and bring this man to justice,” was the note sent out via BlackBerry Messenger on Saturday morning as Mais’ aunt, Gaudia Chevannes-Aquart, worked hard at finding her nephew’s killer.