Stabroek News

IMF report on state of NIS has pensioners worried

Dear Editor,

In the light of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) report regarding Guyana National Insurance Scheme pension, as reported in SN in its July 3 issue, the President of Guyana, Dr Jagdeo should personally and publicly make an official statement giving NIS pensioners the assurance that their minuscule pensions are secure and protected from roving, ruthless, predators and an undependable board of directors.

Many pensioners and potential pensioners are worried and concerned about this reputable and respected international monetary institution’s second report about this vexed matter and are eagerly awaiting an official report of assurance with veritable proof that their pensions are secure, and that the IMF report is incorrect and short on veracity.

Over the years thousands of contributors who are now qualified pensioners had contributed faithfully and legally to this scheme, and had had, at times, many difficulties to access their due sum as the rightful pension they so deservedly expected, and they are now being told that their pensions would be affected. Many pensioners are also sometimes harassed by NIS officials when they inquire about their pensions and contributions.

This report is an emotional one for thousands of NIS pensioners in Guyana whose sole income now is what little they get monthly from the National Insurance Scheme. NIS and state pensioners deserve better financial, social and medical respect in Guyana, the country of their birth.

Editor, if this report is correct, then this country deserves a brand new national administration, and the board of directors should be replaced, including its chairman.

Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)

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