Dear Editor,
The Commission of Inquiry into the accident at Enmore Sugar Factory and death of sugar worker, Mr Jainarine Singh has completed its investigation. The commission completed its report and submitted its finding and recommendation to the Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Sugar Corporation on Thursday, May 14, 2011. The members of the Commission of Inquiry were:
1. Dale Beresford – Chairman
2. Seepaul Narine – GAWU
3. Mohamad Ahamad – GAWU
4. Deodat James Sukhu – GuySuCo
5. Sharma Dwarka – GuySuCo
The commission interviewed 12 persons and met for over 50 hours to conduct its investigation into the circumstances surrounding the accident at the Enmore Sugar Factory and death of Mr Singh, employee of Enmore Sugar Factory.
Investigations included forensic and safety analysis of the entire Enmore Sugar Factory and Packaging Plant.
The Report of the Commission of Inquiry was submitted in keeping with the Terms of Reference signed between the Guyana Sugar Corporation and Guyana Agricultural Workers Union. The findings and recommendations were submitted for implementation and further action by the management of GuySuCo.
Yours faithfully,
Dale Beresford
Commission of Inquiry