Stabroek News

Brazil private sector presses again for better Lethem link

Members of the private sector of Brazil have expressed a strong desire for the fast-tracking of negotiations between the Guyana and Brazilian governments as it relates to the upgrading of the Lethem to Linden road.

The call was once again mooted by secretary of the Roraima Government with responsibility for International Relations, Eduardo Oesterrieich while in Linden yesterday. Oesterrieich led a team of eleven on a Guyana/Brazil Integration Project. The team made their first stop in Linden where they interacted with members of the Linden Chamber of Industry, Commerce and Development, key stakeholders in the private sector and made a courtesy call on Regional Chairman Mortimer Mingo.

In a brief discussion with the Linden stakeholders, Oesterrieiech stressed the importance of the road which links Linden to Lethem and Brazil noting that the Sebrae organization and others in Brazil are ripe and ready to make full use of existing trade potential which stands to benefit both countries. “There are lots of potentials for business opportunities between the two countries principally for the state of Roraima and the Regions 9 and 10 of Guyana and touching until to Georgetown also.”

He said that the Brazil private sector organization, Sebrae has all the technology to assist in the growth and development of Guyana.

Sebrae is currently developing an agricultural expansion project the logistics for which the team is in Guyana until July 30.

“We believe that this is going to be an open door so that the business between the two countries can be concretized.” Just last week the state of Roraima finalized an agreement with regards the transport of passengers and cars between Guyana and Brazil.

Practically all the legislation is in place with some small matters yet to be finalized. Guyana has asked for a revision of the transport tariffs, it was necessary that the Brazilian national congress approve this reduction which took place earlier this month.

What is lacking presently is for the President of Brazil to confirm this adjustment and for the custom and excise regulations to formalize some pieces of documents.

Junior Vice Chairman of the Linden Chamber of Industry, Commerce and Development (LCICD) Nolan Walton said that the integration programme was envisaged by the LCICD and Sebrae.

He said that while here the delegation will be looking at the other issues of roads, transport and having services from the Guyana ports be put in place in order to facilitate the movement of goods and services out of and into Brazil.

During the short stint in Linden the team interacted with several businesses and visited the Watooka Guest House and the Linden wharf at Christianburg. The team is expected to be in George-town today and will be visiting several other parts of Guyana.

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