Broadcast law passes, splits opposition

Khemraj Ramjattan

The long-delayed Broadcasting Bill was yesterday passed in the National Assembly, where it was condemned by the main opposition PNCR-1G as a travesty of justice, but received support from the AFC.

As the bill was about to be introduced for its second reading, opposition and PNCR leader Robert Corbin voiced his objection, saying that the bill “contravenes every tenet of consultation” and “violates the spirit of a joint committee” set up by President Bharrat Jagdeo and late PNCR leader Desmond Hoyte a decade ago. Corbin said that the bill also contravened an agreement that he and Jagdeo had signed previously. The legislation had been promised by the PPP/C since it assumed office in 1992.

“…The bill varies so drastically, and is a travesty of justice, a violation of all the rights of our citizens,” he said, adding, “…I assure you and the