This week we spoke to toshaos who attended the annual toshaos meeting at the Liliendaal Conference Centre and asked their opinion of the conference, what issues they raised, and what they thought of the responses they received.
Interviews by Frances Abraham
with photos by Ivan Bentham
Regus Cypriano, Kopinang – ‘I did not get a response as yet but the road from the mountain top needs to be diverted. It is very steep. We want them to make another one. Two bridges also need to be built. One on the same road and one near to lower Kopinang. Both are bad. I did not get a response. I also raised the issue of extending the pipeline from the heart of the village to the health centre. We also need 2 or 3 brush cutters. I am satisfied with the conference and I did sign the LCDS resolution. When I asked about the Norway funds, they said the money did not reach here as yet and that it is somewhere in the World Bank.’
Everette Kaiser, senior councillor, Bamboo Creek, Region 8 – ‘They did not give me a chance to speak. I was trying to ask them if they can supply me with pipelines for the community. I really want it now because of the pollution of water in the Bamboo Creek. The population is growing and pollution is increasing. People who live along the creek are the ones who pollute it. I live far below and have to use the polluted water so therefore, we need this pipeline to connect to our house. The contractors laid the pipes up to the school. We want the village to access the water. I was telling them if they can supply me with a photocopying machine. Teachers in my village are complaining about it. The president said that they have to go and repair the broken pipes but I want it to be extended as well. If they accept and fix the problem, I will be happy. I signed on to the LCDS resolution. [Yvonne] Pearson [Head of the National Toshaos Council] forcing people to sign and so I signed. Nearly every toshao signed. Very few are left to sign the resolution.’
Linchino Bennett, Taruka, Region 8 – ‘The water system was affecting my community during the heavy rainy seasons and is causing a lot of people to get sick. People have to drink this dirty water and the pregnant women are especially being affected, even the animals too. The Minister [of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai] tell we you have to send in your concern by letter so I don’t know when I should expect a response to this issue. The conference is coming alright though. I signed on to the LCDS resolution. The President was telling us about the money from Norway. He said it ain’t come as yet so we sign so we can go forward again.’
Lita John, Jawalla, Region 7 – ‘To me, this is a conference for toshaos’ issues but so far it’s really been like a vote of thanks. I never got a chance to speak because the said time is up. My problem is the GGMC who are giving permission to miners to work in a titled land and river. The people don’t want them to work there and the council did not give them permission when they applied, they turned it down. We were not pleased with the conference. I didn’t sign the LCDS resolution and nobody can force me to. They should have sent someone to discuss it. I have my democratic right. They say toshaos like us who are not signing are blocking money from coming in. This is not right. I know with the village council treasury you have to account for the money. We’d like to see what is being done with the money.’
Norma Thomas, Kamarang, Region 7 – ‘I want to know about the road that is reaching Upper Mazaruni. When I asked them about it, no one ain’t know about it. My concern is focused on the security and safety of my people and for the entire district. The Prime Minister said yes and they have to put security in place so I ask if we have to wait until something happens before the measures are put in place and he just say they will look into it. Also, I have no problem signing but they mustn’t keep it from us. Something is definitely wrong. I think the government didn’t make it an obligation, it’s not because of us not signing and no, I did not sign.’
Ivor Daniels, councillor, Annai, Region 9 – ‘As usual, we don’t normally get things done with immediate effect because of the number of toshaos that we have. My concern is this, in Annai, we are close to the international highway and not everyone is getting their licences. They are offering us some training and then letting us write [the exam]. Let’s say out of 60 persons, only 5 or 6 are successful and then you have to pay every time to rewrite. My concern is how will a person get a licence if they keep failing? I raised this issue but I’m not really satisfied with the answer. They say they will do some more training because people that side will buy mostly motorcycles since they are more affordable. But I want to know what systems they are putting in place to ensure that persons will get their licences. I signed the LCDS resolution this year and last year but to me this is a standstill something.’
Julie Johnson, Micobie, Region 9 – ‘I feel that the conference is good and it is interesting. My concern is the road stretching from Micobie to Tumatumari. The condition is very bad so it needs to be repaired. Repairs are needed on the bridge as well. I was told that the money has to be budgeted to look after the road and when the rainy season is over they will look into it. Yes, I signed onto the LCDS resolution.’
Valerie Deyounge, Capoey, Region 2 – ‘My main concern is the water system. We have been having problems with this for some time now and a portion is already covered by the government but it depends on the geographic location. I’m trying to get potable water for the other parts and we will get it; it’s a must. There are 100 households that are benefiting from last year’s developments. Last year I raised the issue of bad roads and they are working on it. I signed on to the LCDS resolution last year and this year. I am always in support of things like this. However, I don’t see what is the problem. Why they can’t release the money that the Norwegian Government already released in to the World Bank? I am wondering what is the problem but I am hoping for things to come out positively. I am pleased at the overall outcome of the conference. I am satisfied and happy.’
Patrick Antonio – ‘I asked for assistance in solving problems like a man being killed. I wanted a detective to go and investigate the matter. I have also asked for assistance where transportation is concerned in the form of Yamaha engines. I did sign the LCDS resolution last year and this year as well. However, I cannot say why the money is not here as yet. They are the bigger ones so I can’t say what is the reason. I am satisfied with the conference. It is good. I think many peoples’ problems were solved.’
Sylvin Raphael, Mashabo Village, Region 2 – ‘I asked for a bridge to be built from the right bank to the left bank at 575 feet long and 4 feet wide which will benefit school children in going across to the mission. It will also benefit pensioners and pregnant women and even the coastlanders who are coming in to our community. The conference was very good. It allowed people to get experience and you see a lot of toshaos from different communities. I did sign on to the LCDS resolution both last year and this year. They said the money has not yet been released and I am not satisfied with this. I need to see the money first.’