NEW YORK, (Reuters) – In preparation for a new triple-x Internet domain that will launch in December, lawyers for the most storied brands in the United States are scrambling to prevent an x-rated rip-off of an invaluable asset: corporate Web addresses.
The domain operator administering the .xxx domain is accepting early applications from brand owners who want control over their names. ICM Registry says it has received over 900,000 “expressions of interest” from companies that want to preregister their trademarks or block others from snapping them up to create, say, a or
While some adult-content providers are paying the approximately $200 fee because they want to use the domain, other non-porn brands ranging from MTV Networks and Budget Travel to the Red Cross are preregistering to avoid future legal battles with cybersquatters who register trademarks with the intention of reselling them.
Porn and mainstream businesses alike complain they are being forced to buy domain names they don’t want, don’t need and won’t use — and compare the process to a hold-up.