Dear Editor,
Farmers do many things unbeknownst to the MMA-ADA. When farmers do land preparation and throw paddy during the August month when will they reap their crop? Rice planting has to have a schedule. Land preparation and sowing paddy for the autumn crop are supposed to be completed by June 15. Some rice is bearing while some is just growing. MMA-ADA did have a schedule for opening water for the spring and autumn crops and closing it. What will become of some of these farmers?
Many farmers did land preparation during December for the spring crop – like this coming spring crop which we call the 2011-2012 spring crop. Ten per cent of these farmers made the autumn crop nearly two months late.
MMA-ADA has to do something about this and warn rice farmers about late land preparation. When 90 per cent finish reaping their crops and land preparation, ten per cent have yet to reap their crops. This causes great confusion and only then the MMA-ADA knows about these late planters. That is why MMA-ADA should place a warning that farmers who plant late are doing so at their own risk.
Yours faithfully,
Bramdeow Singh