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Rio Ferdinand loses “kiss and tell” legal action

LONDON,  (Reuters) – Manchester United footballer Rio  Ferdinand yesterday lost a High Court privacy action over a  “kiss and tell” newspaper story.

Ferdinand, 32, brought a case for misuse of private  information against MGN Ltd over a Sunday Mirror article in  which interior designer Carly Storey gave her account of their  13-year relationship in return for 16,000 pounds.

Rio Ferdinand

The judge Justice Nicol had been asked to award the England  player a maximum of 50,000 pounds damages and a worldwide  gagging injunction.

But he said: “Overall, in my judgment, the balancing  exercise favours the defendant’s right of freedom of expression  over the claimant’s right of privacy.”

Ferdinand has branded the April 2010 piece – “My affair with  England captain Rio” – a “gross invasion of my privacy”, and  insisted he had not seen Storey for six years by the time it  appeared.

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