Stabroek News

Bishops teachers recognised

Headmistress Beverley Daly and the staff of The Bishops’ High School were recognised for their sterling contribution to the general all-round development of its students at a petit déjeuner on Wednesday at the school, in the Oswald Parry Hall.

At this staff assembly, the PTA President/Representative on the Board of Governors, presented to each teacher on behalf of the PTA, a small token of appreciation. According to a press release, the teachers were delighted at the gesture. “Teachers are always pleased when the good that they do, and the contribution they are making, are recognised by those with whom they work,” the release said. It added that for the head and teachers at Bishops, “Education is not just the attainment of a large number of subjects at CXC, but rather the all-round development of young people.”

It said the Board was grateful to all those who helped to make the event successful. In photo is a cake that was shared to the teachers.

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