Protesters to rally worldwide against greedy rich

MILAN, (Reuters) – Protesters worldwide geared up  for a cry of rage today against bankers, financiers and  politicians they accuse of ruining global economies and  condemning millions to poverty and hardship through greed.

Galvanised by the past month’s Occupy Wall Street movement,  they plan to take to the streets from New Zealand to Alaska in  cities from London, Frankfurt to New York itself.

Riot police prepared for any trouble — cities such as  London and Athens have seen violent confrontations this year —  but it was impossible to say how many people would actually turn  out despite a rallying call across social media websites.

“I’ve been waiting for this protest for a long time, since  2008,” said Daniel Schreiber, 28, an editor in Berlin. “I was  always wondering why people aren’t outraged and why nothing has  happened and finally, three years later, it’s happening.”

Members of the Occupy Wall Street movement march down Wall Street during a protest march through the financial district of New York yesterday.

The protests are billed as peaceful. But in a sign of what  may happen, a group of students stormed Goldman Sachs’s   offices in the Italian city of Milan yesterday.

The students managed to break into the hall of the Goldman  Sachs building in the heart of Milan’s financial district. The  protests were quickly dispersed but red graffiti was daubed on  its walls expressing anger at Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi  and saying “Give us money”.

Demonstrators also hurled eggs at the headquarters of  UniCredit , Italy’s biggest bank.
Italian police were on alert for thousands to march in Rome  against austerity measures planned by Berlusconi’s government.

In London, demonstrators aim to converge on the City of  London — a leading international financial centre — under the  banner “Occupy the Stock Exchange”.

“We have people from all walks of life joining us every  day,” said Spyro, one of those behind a Facebook page in London  which has grown to some 12,000 followers in a few weeks.

Spyro, a 28-year-old who has a well-paid job and did not  want to give his full name, summed up the main target of the  global protests as “the financial system”.

Angry at taxpayer bailouts of banks since 2008 and at big  bonuses still paid to some who work in them while unemployment  blights the lives of many young Britons, he said: “People all  over the world, we are saying, ‘Enough is enough’.”

Greek protesters aligned with Spain’s “Indignant” movement  called an anti-austerity rally for Saturday in Athens’ Syntagma  square, scene of many demonstrations during Greece’s financial  meltdown.

“What is happening in Greece now is the nightmare waiting  other countries in the future. Solidarity is people’s weapon,”  the Real Democracy group said in a statement calling on people  to join the protest.