I am often asked to give an opinion on the health of a fern called Polypodium aureum popularly known as the Breadfruit fern ( because the shape of the leaves is similar to those of the Breadfruit tree). It is enormously popular for growing in hanging baskets, on walls and as ground cover in shady areas. Gardeners are worried about the fact that the leaves get hundreds of light brown spots on the underside which have been mistaken for a severe attack of scale insects, and have often sprayed regularly (and unnecessarily). The ‘scales‘ on the underside are nothing more dangerous than the ‘seed’ produced by the fern, which is more correctly known as spore cases. These carry millions of spores (seeds) which are released into the air when they are ripe. Gardeners will often take off these leaves and place them (spore case down) on an old log or a clay brick in a damp shady place so that when the spores are released they fall onto the damp surfaces rather than are allowed to blow away. It’s an interesting thing to try with children. It’ll probably take a bit of time before new plants start showing (perhaps not so much fun as growing mustard and cress), but worth a try.
Now from plants preferring shade like ferns to sunshine plants. Walking around you will notice many succulent plants including cacti growing in open sunlight. Succulents are plants which have generally fleshy stems used for storing water. They are to be found throughout the world with the exception of cacti, which are confined to the